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Global Careers and Opportunities

Spirited, ambitious and competitive are qualities in the people we hire and in return, we offer them the world. If you’ve got what it takes and are up for an adventure, contact our team today!

Quote of the Day

Leaders are givers, not takers

Global Career News

Read more news highlights on Manfreight Careers and from our Training and Development Teams.

07 February 2024 | Announcement

Rolla Liu's Leadership Journey in Mainfreight

Congratulations to Rolla on her promotion to Shenzhen Branch Manager! Her dedication to excellence and fostering a positive culture continue to make our team grow. See more here....

14 November 2023 | Announcement

Jensce Tan's Leadership Journey in Mainfreight

Congratulations to Jensce on her promotion to Air Freight Branch Manager in Malaysia! If you want to know more about her inspiring story in Mainfreight. See more here....

27 June 2023 | Announcement

Mainfreight 2023 Annual Report Released

Mainfreight is pleased to announce the release of our 2023 Annual Report.

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